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Proposed Timeline for Completion of Course of Study: Note: As per district policy, the maximum time allowed for the development and piloting of a curriculum is two years from the date of request. Otherwise, the course must be dropped from the Course Code List.  For Office Use Only: Approved Disapproved (Reason) Course Code Date Assigned Signature 鶹ԭ Curriculum and Instruction Department  DISTRICT REGULATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SECONDARY COURSES OF STUDY  The following are the current board-adopted regulations for developing Courses of Study for Secondary Schools. Procedures for Curriculum Development-Secondary R-5262 Deadlines for a Request New courses will be approved on an annual basis. Any course proposed to be implemented must be submitted to the Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction by November of the year prior to implementation. For example, a course to be implemented in the 2014-2015 school year will need to be submitted for approval in November of 2013. The same holds true for summer school. How to Initiate a Request to Develop a Course of Study Anyone may initiate an idea for developing a course of study by completing the form entitled Request to Develop a Course of Study. The proposal must be submitted to, and signed by the principal or his/her designated administrative representative. It may then be submitted to the Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction. Having received a request, the Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction will make a recommendation to either proceed with the request, or deny it for a specific reason, which will be indicated in a written response. If the recommendation is to proceed, the Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction will process according to the type of request. Types of Request and Procedures (1) In-House Course Request This is a request to develop a course at a specific school. This course will be developed at the initiating school. It must be assumed that textbooks and supplies for in-house courses are subsequently to be supplied by the resources of the school and not the district office. (2) District Course Request This kind of request can be initiated in three ways: (a) the principals, as a group, may propose a district course; (b) the Curriculum and Professional Development Department may propose district course; (c) subject area advisory committees may propose district courses. Approval Procedure to Develop a Course of Study (1) Initial Approval As per directions on the request form, initial approval for the development of a course of study must be granted before it is ever placed on the course selection sheet at any school. When this approval has been granted by the Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction, the request form will be returned to the school with a verification form attached which is to be resubmitted to the department for final approval after class sign-up tallies are available. (2) Final Approval Final approval for development of a course will be granted by the Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction only upon receiving the verification form from the schools administration which indicated sufficient student interest class size; this is documented from the course selection sheet tallies. Writing of a Course of Study Teachers will be contracted by the Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction to develop approved requests for district-wide courses of study only. The monetary factor used to determine these contracts will be based on substitute release time or curriculum development rate. Monetary payments for in-house school course development will be the responsibility of the school administration. Approval of Finished Course of Study All finished courses of study must be approved by the Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction and the principals of each segment. The procedure shall be: (1) The Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction will present a draft of the finished course to the principals. (2) The principals or administrative representative will take the course back to school and evaluate and discuss the course of study with specific subject area teachers: from this process, each school will formulate its recommendations on the course. (a) If a schools recommendation is to not approve a particular course of study, the rationale is to be presented at the subsequent principals meeting in writing. (b) If the school has other recommendations for the course of study, but not significant enough to be written in the draft copy and returned to the curriculum coordinator at the subsequent principals meeting. These comments will be integrated into the final copy if possible, and also placed in that courses master folder to be reviewed at the time of its revision after a a two-year period. (c) All recommendations will be reviewed at the principals meeting where final approval will be sought. Distribution After final approval and editing, the course of study will be distributed to each school of the segment involved. Each of the teachers on the committee will also receive a copy. The distribution at each segment school follows: * 3 copies to middle schools 1 copy for administrators file 1 copy for curriculum file 1 copy for department file * 4 copies to high schools 1 copy for administrators file 1 copy for curriculum file 2 copies for department files It is the principals responsibility to see that each teacher who teaches the course reviews the course of study and has it available to use. Revision of Existing Courses of Study The following procedure will be followed: (1) A request to revise a course of study may be sent to the Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction by way of a memorandum. (2) The request will be considered by the Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction and notification of approval or denial will be given in writing. (3) The writing and approval of the revision will follow the above procedure for developing a course of study. Deleting or Inactivating Existing Courses of Study Permission to delete an existing course of study must be approved by the Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction and majority of the principals of each segment. The procedure shall be: (1) The Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction will present the request to delete a course of study to principals. (2) The request will be considered by the Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction and principals, and notification of approval or denial will be given in writing. Adoption of Courses of Study After the course of study has received the approval of the Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction and the majority of the principals of each segment, the course of study is taken to the Superintendents Cabinet for evaluation and processing to the Board of Education.     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